The Firehouse DJs
Emmitsburg, MD
The Firehouse DJs
Emmitsburg, MD

Info For The Performers and How We Manage a Karaoke Event
Understanding a professional karaoke event.
During a Karaoke Event, we simply do not have the time to discuss and / or debate with individual
performers (or Audience Members) regarding a simple and proven karaoke event process.
We feel that all involved with performing should be treated exactly the same.
There is not much that we haven't experienced during DJ / Karaoke Events throughout the years
Performers and the Audience will need to trust our 28 years of experience with conducting
well over 1000 DJ / Karaoke Events.
10 to 15 (or more) performers per rotation during our karaoke events are common.
Please do not expect to perform more than 3 or 4 songs throughout an entire Karaoke event.
Regarding DJ / Dance Music During the Karaoke Event
We have been booked as Karaoke Entertainment for this event, and therefore Karaoke Performances
will take priority. However, If the singer rotation is short (under 10 performers), several dance music
selections may be provided after each full karaoke singer rotation in order to add other musical
entertainment dynamics during the event.
This information has been provided for those who attend Other Karaoke Events
and may not fully understand that "our events" are handled professionally and
fairly for all involved.
We will keep the Karaoke Rotation fair for all performers and we will not favor any specific performer.
Each Performer will sign up for one song choice (karaoke request slip) per rotation.
Sign Up Slips filled out by the performers are needed to keep the singer rotation organized and
accurate (The performers will stay in line with each other throughout the karaoke event).
We have never taken any $ tip to move / place a performer in front of another performer, (this is simply
not fair to others who have signed up to sing, and have been waiting to perform).
Always remember that each karaoke rotation of performers is dictated by simple math, (The number of
performers X the time frame of each song performed).
If you have needed to wait longer to perform your next song, it is simply because more people have
arrived and have signed up to sing and they are now added at the bottom of the rotation in progress.
(As you can see, The Singer Rotation List can become longer during the karaoke event).
See: Understanding Singer Rotation Statistics Below.
Below are common Karaoke Host procedures that have been put in place due to suggestions and
comments made by fellow Karaoke Performers and Audience Members regarding an organized
karaoke event.
We along with the Management of an establishment expect all to be respectful of each other
and our audio equipment during the event, especially when the singers are performing.
· Please, NO DRINKS on stage area while performing
· Profanity while performing will not be tolerated
· When Signing up to sing: Please “ Print ”.
Please Keep your name the same on your Karaoke Song Request Slips.
· If someone you know wants to sing, they should fill out a Karaoke Request Slip.
Please do not sign up individuals who are not prepared or willing to sing.
(Doing this only takes away performance time for other singers, and complicates the singer rotation).
Signing Up To Sing is Simple
Two KINDLE FIRE Tablets are provided on the sign-up table, or you can use
YOUR PHONE via an internet browser connected to to view
our Karaoke Song Database of all the songs that we currently have.
(At top of the Firehouse, click or tap in the Search Box, and type in an Artist Name or Song Title).
· Please keep our Kindle Fire Tablets on the karaoke sign up table.
I'm use to singing my karaoke song with a specific version that I'm use to
When Songs are re-recorded for karaoke use and for sale by various manufacturers, your version
of a song is not much different than the original air-played version. However, the difference is that
the song has been re-recorded in a different recording studio with various musicians for the
intended purpose of selling it as a "karaoke performance track". This is why there may be 6 or 7
songs with the same artist / title by "different manufacturers".
We have "one version" of each song in our karaoke database (unless the song was a remake by
another artist).
The overall instruments and mix of a re-recorded / re-created song track may be slightly different
from the manufacturer that we have compared to the one that you have. However, the Key of the
song as well as the Tempo is recorded as the original version intended through sheet music.
(Unless otherwise noted as a Key Difference on a specific karaoke track , . . which is rarely done).
If this were not true, karaoke songs would not be accurate and would not be popular for public sale.
See: Regarding Your Personal Karaoke CD’s Below. (We can play your CD+G Karaoke CD's)
Keep in mind that: You can also "Look Up" a Song or Artist on our Website using
our "Karaoke Song Database" before you arrive at our karaoke events.
If the song is listed within our database, it will be within our karaoke system.
We have legally purchased each karaoke song that is in our library database, so there are no
duplicate Karaoke Songs by various manufacturers to choose from.
Your Name, The Artist and the Title of the song is all that is needed on a Karaoke Request Slip.
We need a "Karaoke Request Slip" filled out (by You) for each song that you intend to sing in
order to keep the Karaoke Rotation of Singers organized and accurate.
Understanding Singer Rotation Statistics - It is Simple Math
Below is an example of the Time Frame for a full Karaoke Singer Rotation and the number of times
per hour that you may be performing.
· The average time frame of a singers' performance is about 4 minutes.
Therefore, we can fit about 15 performances within an hour interval.
15 singers in a rotation would mean that on average, each singer will sing a song 1 time during an
hour interval. 4 min x 15 Performers = 60 Minutes
· We will not favor any specific karaoke performer
Each Performer will sign up for one song choice per rotation: You can either sign up for a SOLO
or a DUET song per Karaoke Rotation.
The “Singer Rotation” will be handled fairly, and each performer will be arranged within a specific
order (First Come - First Served).
The performers will stay in line with each other throughout the karaoke event.
· If you hand in several Song Request Slips at the beginning of the event (No more than 3 at a time),
The songs will be written into our “Karaoke Song Request Spread Sheet” at separate performance
intervals within the rotation in order to keep the rotation of performers accurate.
Note that you will not be performing all of your Karaoke Song Requests in a row. We will announce
or ask you for additional request slips throughout the event if needed.
· Please do not ask us to move you (or anyone) as the next singer or to be moved up within the
singer's rotation list for any reason (This is not fair to others who have been waiting to perform).
If you need to leave early from the event, please let us know in order to remove you from the
Rotation List.
· If you have arrived after the karaoke event has started, please ask the karaoke host if time will
allow you to perform due to others already on the rotation list and waiting to sing.
All performers will stay in line with each other for " First Come - First Served ".
NOTE: Late / Additional arrivals will be added to the bottom of the current rotation of performers in
progress, you will not be performing "immediately" (also note that: If you show up late at any karaoke
event, you are taking the chance that there may not be available time left for you to perform).
· Regarding a DUET Song Choice
Duet songs are not added as "extra performance songs" during a karaoke rotation. (these additional
DUET songs would not be fair to the SOLO performers who have been waiting in line to sing).
For DUET Song Choices: One person out of two people who want to perform a "DUET SONG"
will use their One Song Choice during a Karaoke Rotation in order for these two singers to perform
the Duet song.
Therefore, No one has lost their turn (and no one has had two song choices) in a karaoke rotation.
· Cut-Off Point for Signing up to sing
We will announce when we will no longer be taking karaoke Song Request Slips (at this point we
can not simply "squeeze you or anyone" into the rotation). The cut-off point means that there is
only enough time left for the remaining performers to finish out their requested songs before the
event ends. NOTE: Due to time constraints deemed by management, we can not always conclude
the karaoke event by ending out a full singer rotation.
Regarding Your Personal Karaoke CD’s
· It is OK to bring your Karaoke CD+G Disk to be played through our karaoke system.
However, We can not play Video Karaoke CD's or DVD's. (These are a different karaoke format
than what we use. Our karaoke program can only play CD+G or MP3+G files.
NOTE: Also, keep in mind that if your Karaoke CD+G Disk has previously been damaged or
scratched, the Song Lyrics and / or Music may become garbled or unreadable during your
performance. We have never had any issues with our CD+G Disk Drive, and we have no magic
fix for unreadable or skipping Karaoke CD+G Disks.
Regarding “Key Changes” for your song request
· As far as we can determine, 99.9 % of all karaoke songs are in the same Key that the original
song was recorded in (E, A, D, G, etc..)
Some performers ask us to change the Key of a Song in order for them to be able to sing it.
However, starting and stopping a Karaoke Song (several times) just to experiment with a
Key Change for a Performer only adds unneeded / extra time to an event and can be very
annoying for the audience.
Therefore, we no longer have a "key changer" at our events.
All electronic "Key Changers" used to (step UP or DOWN) and / or higher or lower the Songs
Pitch or Key Change do not always Change the song in an exact "Key" (UP or DOWN), but
instead vary the pitch in what the Key Changer describes as "Semi-Tones".
Since "Semi-Tones" are not an exact musical reference or exact scale, we suggest performing
a song in it's original intended Key.
Electronic Key Changes Are Not All Calibrated In The Same Musical Scale.
The Key Step Change Can Be Different Depending On The Manufacturer Of the Key Changer Devise.
Our research has shown that a performer believes that they are singing the song in an exact Key
Step (UP or DOWN) after the song has been changed by the "Electronic Key Changer", when in fact
the song may have only been changed to an "Off-Key" or "Semi-Octave" Pitch Change and / or
"Off-Tone" variance difference within the musical scale.